Measuring tape without lock.Two colors "ABS" case.Polished tape.Tolerance Class II.Personal brand upon requirement (Min. 100 pcs.)
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Measuring tape without lock. Rubber "ABS" case with clip. Tape with extra protection in nylon. Hook with three extra clamps. Tolerance Class II.With logo BOCCHI only.
Measuring tape with locking, rubberized ABS case with clip, tape with extra nylon protection, hook with triple reinforcement, double division, tol. Class II.Not customizable.
The FS 000071 gauge measures the width of the flange Sd, the height of the flange Sh and the dimension Qr, on railway wheel profiles with the rolling plane placed at 70 mm from the internal face of the wheels....
With the 63169 gauge it is possible to measure the internal gauge of the crowns and rims of the wheelsets, with the following measurement range: - Gauge measurement range 1350÷1410 mm - Resolution 0.1mm