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Posted on4 Years ago

The technical drawing is essential for the design and accurate and precise realization of an industrial project. It allows you to accurately transmit information on the shape, size, function and also the material or materials of the object represented.

The technical drawing must be univocal, that is, immediately interpretable, faithful to the represented object, complete (it must provide all the characteristics of an object) and transferable.

For this reason it is essential that, for its realization, instruments of the highest quality and precision are used, so as not to jeopardize the final result. Even if today we mainly use digital drawing programs, the planning on paper remains an important moment.

Industrial technical drawing: tools

The technical drawing accessories and tools essential are 7:

    ● Tilting drawing table
    ● Pencils for technical drawing (or calibrated markers)
    ● Technical drawing paper
    ● Rows and squares for technical drawing
    ● Tracing and measuring tools
    ● Plate for technical drawing
    ● Plier for paper, cutting tools etc.

Among the technical drawing tools fall, therefore, tracking and measurement tools, which allow you to bring the necessary steps on paper. Among them we can mention gauges, altimeters, micrometer manual and digital micrometers.

Regardless of the type of design chosen, on paper or digital, the measurement tools are indispensable for a correct design or reproduction of a prototype.

Bocchi srl  produces highly reliable professional instruments for measuring measurements.

To request more information, contact + 39-030-737252.

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